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{MEMBERSHIP_YEAR} | Adds the Member's Membership Year | Use |
{RENEWALDATE_MM-DD-YYYY} | Adds the Member Renewal Date in (mm-dd-yyyy). | Use |
{LMS_CREDIT} | The number of credits the LMS course is worth for Continuing Education | Use |
{COLLECTION_PERIOD_END-DATE_YYYY_MM_DD} | The end date of the CE collection period end date | Use |
{LMS_COURSE_COMPLETION_DATE} | The completion date of the LMS course | Use |
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{EVENT_END-DATE_MONTH_YYYY} | Adds Event End Date in Full Month Name and Year Format.(Events Only) | Use |
{EVENT_END-DATE_MONTH_YYYY_ADD3} | Adds Event End Date in Full Month Name and Year Format Plus 3 Years.(Events Only) | Use |
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{WORKSHOP_DESCRIPTION} | Adds the workshop description (if applicable) | Use |
Level Advanced
Eligibility criteria
CCPA Intermediate Supervision Workshop and/or experience supervising for more than one year
This one-day advanced-level workshop is designed to promote professionalism in the practice of clinical supervision. Participants will further consolidate their professional identity as a clinical supervisor through targeted concept refinement and skill development by integrating prior conceptual and skill-based learning with a heightened critical analytic focus. Areas of focus include developing a framework for clinical supervision sessions, documenting supervision, engaging in difficult conversations within the supervisory relationship, exploring a variety of approaches to assessment and evaluation; and reflecting on one’s personal and professional identity as a clinical supervisor.
Blythe Shepard, Ph.D. is currently the CCPA Clinical Supervision Lead. She co-chaired the CCPA Clinical Supervision Competency Framework project and is co-editor of the Clinical Supervision of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Profession and author of the Clinical Supervision Handbook. She facilitates the CES Chapter’s Circle of Practice in Supervision.
Lori Rudniski, M. Ed (Psych), CCC, CCS has over 25 years of experience as a psychotherapist, counsellor educator, and counsellor supervisor with organizations, groups, and mental health professionals. She earned her Master’s in counselling psychology at the University of Manitoba and obtained her Counsellor Supervisor certification at the University of Ottawa. Since 2004, she has been the director of a long-term counselling centre helping individuals and families deal with the impact of domestic violence and unresolved trauma. Lori provides clinical supervision for practicing counsellors and psychotherapists as well as for university practicum students. Over the last twenty years, she has taught counselling at both the college and university levels and currently teaches counselling student at the University of Manitoba. She previously served as the CCPA Regional Director for Manitoba and Nunavut. Lori is dedicated to ensuring the field of Counsellor Supervision in Canada continues to grow as a distinct professional activity grounded in competency-based training and acknowledges the benefits of a strength-based approach. She loves cofacilitating the CCPA Clinical Supervision workshops series.
Level Intermediate
The profession of psychotherapy / counselling was built on the medical model, which perpetuates a pathologizing of the client. Although there is a place for the medical model in the care of the client, such as through psychiatry and the treating of mental illness through psychotropic medication, the extension of the medical model principles of diagnosing symptoms and consequent treatment of symptoms, serves to perpetuate harm while limiting mental health. This workshop is designed to equip practitioners who wish to sit with their clients in non-pathologizing ways. In this workshop you will be introduced to systems language from a non-pathologizing perspective that invites the practitioner to focus on non-symptomatic language. You will learn how to take the training you have already acquired, become certified in, and are used to, along with each modality’s interventions and translate them into a non-pathologizing perspective. The instructor will take you through the five main theories of non-pathologizing as well as an in-depth explanation of the ten principles of non-pathology. You will then learn how to translate pathologizing interventions into non-pathologizing approaches.
Michael Towers, MA MFC, CCS, CCC, RCC-ACS, RMFT-S, CPC-S
Michael, a psychotherapist in BC’s Okanagan valley, transitioned from a 20-year restaurant career to counselling, driven by community involvement in restorative justice and suicide intervention. He earned his master's in marriage and family counselling in 2011. As a father and grandparent, Michael values family systems, helping clients find hope and connection. Specializing in couples, trauma, PTSD, mood disorders, and identity issues, he stays current with ongoing training. Passionate about Narrative Therapy, he deconstructs power narratives. Outside work, Michael enjoys nature, writing, and supporting fellow clinicians through supervision and collaboration.
Level Introductory
This immersive and interactive session invites you to participate with a certified therapy assist dog and one in training while exploring several different creative arts therapy interventions. The hands-on art activities are centering, calming, self-care tools that you can take out into the world with you. Learn about the five parts of self-care, and why it is ethical and best practice to maintain your well-being. Gain a deeper understanding of how animal assisted, nature-based, and creative arts therapies can be used together to promote resiliency in self and other first responders and with clients. Case studies and examples will also be presented. In the last few years therapists have been on the front lines of a pandemic, and traumatic world event, now more than ever we need to engage in self-care and self-awareness. This session is here to provide you with a place of calm amidst the chaos. Be prepared to go for a walk, engage with art supplies and share space with beautiful big dogs. In order to know how man materials to provide it would be good to have a number of how many people can attend this offering.
Nicola Sherwin-Roller, MA CCC RCAT MA CCC RCAT
Originally from England, Nicola now works in private practice in North Central Saskatchewan on Treaty 6 Land, home of the Métis people. She graduated in 1994 from Concordia University with a master’s degree in Art Psychotherapy. She serves on the Steering Committee of FACT SK and the Advocacy Committee with CATA. She pursues creative endeavors through various mediums, gardening, and cooking. Being outdoors with her animals is important to her. As a professional, she believes in living holistically and balancing all the different “hats” she wears.
Level Introductory
We are facing unprecedented challenges in the face of climate change and large-scale disasters that impact our communities across Canada. Impacted groups include first nations, municipalities and regional districts, rural dwellers, and first responders. A wide variety of challenges impact these groups, including grief and loss, moral injury, cumulative stress, burnout, and financial harm. This workshop will highlight some of the recent disasters in Western Canada and discuss the types of issues these communities have faced. Various impacts on citizen’s mental health will be identified and approaches to mental health care will be presented. Challenges commonly faced in disaster zones will be discussed. Participants will learn how to work with first responders and community members using accessible interventions such as psychological first aid, peer support, spiritual care, and crisis intervention techniques. Special attention will be given to indigenous-focused approaches and ways of working with elders and other groups vulnerable to poor health outcomes in a disaster.
Sara Lapsley lives and works in Victoria BC, on the traditional territories of the Lekwungen speaking peoples. She has been a Canadian Certified Counsellor since 2015. She completed her Bachelor of Arts at Simon Fraser University with a major in Psychology and a minor in Counselling and Human Development in 2009. Her master’s degree in counselling psychology was completed at the University of British Columbia under the supervision of Dr. Marv Westwood, and her PhD is in Experimental Forensic Psychology from Carleton University. She also has an Associate Certificate in Trauma and Crisis Intervention from the Justice Institute of British Columbia. Her research and clinical work has focused on bipolar disorder, mental health in veteran and forensic populations, and intimate partner violence perpetrated by psychopathic individuals. She has worked as a crisis intervention specialist since 2021 providing support to frontline staff impacted by the overdose public health emergency, and to communities affected by natural disasters in the Province of British Columbia.
Level Introductory
The First Nations Mental Wellness Continuum (FNMWC) is a foundational framework that deals with mental wellness among First Nations people in Canada and outlines a wellness approach that is grounded in culture. It is based on the idea that we all have a responsibility to support wellness. It provides a continuum of care, attending to wellness through all stages of life.
The FNMWC discusses a range of services that are needed to help promote mental wellness (i.e., education, housing, land and resources, language, heritage, culture, economic development, etc.). It also gives advice on policy and program changes that enhance services and result in improved mental wellness. Communities can use this information to deliver services in culturally safe ways and do what’s needed to develop their programs and services further based on their own priorities.
The FNMWC states that a culturally relevant health system for First Nations communities includes governance, research, workforce development, change and risk management, self-determination, and performance measurement. The continuum is rooted in cultural knowledge and emphasizes First Nations strengths and capacities, building upon the Honouring Our Strengths national framework.
Learn more about how to implement this framework in the work that you do.
Dr. Brenda Restoule & Dr. Carol Hopkins from First Peoples Wellness Circle
As champions of wholistic wellness, Dr. Restoule and Dr. Hopkins bring decades of experience in fostering healing pathways that empower individuals and communities. Their insights will provide a powerful lens on the importance of culture-based wellness and the integration of Indigenous and Western perspectives in fostering sustainable well-being. The First Peoples Wellness Circle (FPWC) is an Indigenous-led national not-for-profit dedicated to enhancing the lives of First Peoples in Canada by addressing healing, wellness, and mental wellness barriers.
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