
60 Years in Therapy: Reflecting on the Past, Building the Future

We're turning 60 this year! Come Celebrate with us at our Annual Conference in Calgary, AB - the Blue Sky City

The Conference and Pre-Conference will be held from May 29th to June 1st, 2025 at the Westin hotel in Calgary, AB.  

More information: 2025 Annual Conference - Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association

2025 CCPA Conference

Register Now

  • May 29 - June 1, 2025
  • 320 4th Avenue Southwest
    The Westin Calgary
    Calgary, Alberta
    T2P 2S6

Event Workshops

A1 - Promoting Professionalism In Clinical Supervision: Embracing Supervisory Identity And Illuminating Competence

May 29, 2025  09:00 - 16:30
Fee: $0.00
Seats Remaining:19

Level Advanced

Eligibility criteria

CCPA Intermediate Supervision Workshop and/or experience supervising for more than one year  


This one-day advanced-level workshop is designed to promote professionalism in the practice of clinical supervision. Participants will further consolidate their professional identity as a clinical supervisor through targeted concept refinement and skill development by integrating prior conceptual and skill-based learning with a heightened critical analytic focus. Areas of focus include developing a framework for clinical supervision sessions, documenting supervision, engaging in difficult conversations within the supervisory relationship, exploring a variety of approaches to assessment and evaluation; and reflecting on one’s personal and professional identity as a clinical supervisor.   


Blythe Shepard, Ph.D. is currently the CCPA Clinical Supervision Lead. She co-chaired the CCPA Clinical Supervision Competency Framework project and is co-editor of the Clinical Supervision of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Profession and author of the Clinical Supervision Handbook. She facilitates the CES Chapter’s Circle of Practice in Supervision.  

Lori Rudniski, M. Ed (Psych), CCC, CCS has over 25 years of experience as a psychotherapist, counsellor educator, and counsellor supervisor with organizations, groups, and mental health professionals. She earned her Master’s in counselling psychology at the University of Manitoba and obtained her Counsellor Supervisor certification at the University of Ottawa.  Since 2004, she has been the director of a long-term counselling centre helping individuals and families deal with the impact of domestic violence and unresolved trauma. Lori provides clinical supervision for practicing counsellors and psychotherapists as well as for university practicum students. Over the last twenty years, she has taught counselling at both the college and university levels and currently teaches counselling student at the University of Manitoba. She previously served as the CCPA Regional Director for Manitoba and Nunavut. Lori is dedicated to ensuring the field of Counsellor Supervision in Canada continues to grow as a distinct professional activity grounded in competency-based training and acknowledges the benefits of a strength-based approach. She loves cofacilitating the CCPA Clinical Supervision workshops series.