
Time: 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM EDT
# of CECs: 1

Webinar Description:

In this webinar, Cathy will draw from her Indigenous-centered practices related to group facilitation.  She talks about the storytelling methodology, circle practice, witnessing groups and the process of developing rituals together.  This workshop is inspired by Indigenous pedagogy and writers such as Vicky Boldo, Fyre Jean Graveline, Jeannine Carriere.

Presenter: Cathy Richardson

Cathy Richardson is a Metis counsellor and educator who holds the position of Director of First Peoples Studies at Concordia University in Montreal.  She was formerly a professor in social work at the University of Montreal.  Cathy is a researcher investigating violence against women, including the MMIWG in Canada.  She is a team member of the Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Initiative with Vulnerable Populations.  Cathy integrates counselling, healing work, participatory action research and on-the-land experience with urban Indigenous youth.  She is a co-founder of the Centre for Response-Based practice and provides clinical supervision for therapists and social workers.

Indigenous Storytelling Methodology and Circle Work for Therapeutic Groups

  • 15 janvier 2020
  • Online