
Ready to scale to a thriving group practice? The truth is, grad school taught us nothing about building or running a business. Scaling our practices can be overwhelming and confusing. I've taken so much of what I learned scaling my own practice to 55 therapists in 3 short years (with toddler twins at home!) and distilled it into a one hour training for you. If you want to know my proprietary 5-Step Scaling Method, make sure to save your seat! Your future thriving group practice is waiting.

January 29, 2025
12 p.m. - 1 p.m. ET

About the Presenter:

Nicole McCance, a retired psychologist turned business coach, scaled her practice to 55 therapists and multiple seven figures in three years. She sold her clinic in the fourth year and retired in the fifth. She now teaches therapists to help more people, increase income, and gain freedom using her proven method.



Location: Online via Zoom

Level: Introductory

This event will be recorded.


Free Webinar "How to Build a Seven-Figure Group Practice"


  • mercredi le 29 janvier, 2025 de 12h00 à 13h00