
Date: Tuesday March 21st, 2023

Time: 12 PM ET

Facilitator: Nancy Blair, CCC, RCT, Climate Psychotherapist. Nancy is a member of the Climate Psychology Alliance (CPA) - North America and United Kingdom. She has a Masters Degree in Environmental Studies and is an Environmentalist Activist.

This is a place to share our experience (or lack of experience) of working with clients (individually and/or in groups) who come to us with climate change issues such as climate anxiety, grief, and fear - present and/or anticipatory. This Peer Support Group builds on the work of the Peer Support Group which ran Winter/Spring 2022. At that time, participants said that they found it useful to dedicate some time looking at theory in this emerging field.The rest of the time was spent in discussing our client work. Participants have stated that they appreciate the support they experience in the group - both professionally and personally. 

For information; contact Nancy Blair, nancyblaircounselling@gmail.com

Climate Counselling/Psychotherapy Peer Support Group - March

  • mardi le 21 mars, 2023 de 12h00 à 13h00