
LUNCH & LEARN - Mental Health And Long Term Disability Claims

Presenter - Sivan Tumarkin & James Fireman

Date/Time - Friday, March 3rd, noon to 1 p.m. EDT

Online via Zoom

Please note that this event will not be recorded and is eligible for 1 CEC


Description - Introductory

Patients suffering from mental health issues often encounter difficulties with their long-term disability claims. This is an opportunity for you, as mental health professionals, to learn from some of the top disability lawyers in the country on how you can support your patients with their disability claims, and how to deal with requests from insurance companies regarding your patients’ claims.
Some of the topics that will be covered include:
• The current state of the law with respect to mental health issues and long-term disability law
• How disability insurers view and treat mental health claims
• What is the meaning of “total disability” in the context of long-term disability claims
• What, as treating mental health professionals, can you do to support and help your patients with their long-term disability claims
• What documentation and information insurers need (and ask for) from mental health professionals
• What should you do and not do when corresponding with disability insurers on behalf of your patients
• What treatment issues can arise in mental health related disability claims


Presenter Bio 

Sivan Tumarkin is Co-Founder and Co-Managing Partner of Samfiru Tumarkin LLP. James Fireman is National Practice Leader at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP. Both posses significant experience advocating for the rights of individuals with disabilities, especially those with mental health claims. Sivan and James regularly host the Disability Law Show, syndicated on TV and radio across Ontario, BC and Alberta.


Questions? Contact events@ccpa-accp.ca

LUNCH & LEARN - Mental Health And Long Term Disability Claims

  • vendredi le 03 mars, 2023 de 12h00 à 13h00