
Diversity in Sex and Relationships 101: An Introduction to Alternative Sex and
Consensual Non-Monogamy in the Counselling Setting

Presenter Emily Wasylenko

Date/Time - Wednesday, June 14th, noon to 1:00 p.m. EST

Online via Zoom

Please note that this event will be recorded and is eligible for 1 CEC


Description - Introductory

This webinar will provide an introductory understanding of alternative sex practices (BDSM, Kink,etc.) and alternative relationship structures (polyamory, swinging, open relationships, etc.) as they relate to the counselling setting. We will explore the systemic factors that influence our ideas of sex and relationships, common biases towards these practices, terminology, and how to work with clients who bring these practices and identities to the table, whether it’s what they want to focus on in counselling or simply a part of their identity. You will also learn common pitfalls and traps that therapists unknowingly fall into when addressing these topics with clients. You will walk away feeling more confident in working with clients who engage in these practices as well as knowing when it is appropriate to refer to another professional.

Presenter Bio 

Emily Wasylenko is a practicing Counselling Psychologist and status-quo disruptor. She views the human experience through attachment and systems oriented lenses. She uses a trauma-informed, culturally responsive, person-centered approach and draws from various intervention modalities in her work with clients. In addition to direct client work, she finds fulfillment in educating.

Questions? Contact events@ccpa-accp.ca

Lunch & Learn - Diversity in Sex and Relationships 101: An Introduction to Alternative Sex and Consensual Non-Monogamy in the Counselling Setting

  • mercredi le 14 juin, 2023 de 12h00 à 13h00