
Time: 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM EST
# of CECs: 1

Webinar Description:

In this webinar, Dr. Catherine Richardson discusses the concept of “Aboriginal Mental Health.” This entails offering a description of this term and providing examples of a holistic framework for approaching mental health and wellness work with Indigenous individuals and communities.  She relates the history of Canadian colonization to interruptions in Indigenous well-being and provides some helpful examples of how to work in ways that do not reproduce colonial or “top-down” models on communities who often link well-being with liberation and social justice.

Presenter: Dr. Catherine Richardson

Dr. Catherine Richardson is a Metis therapist, professor and researcher, currently employed as an Associate Professor at the University of Montreal in the School of Social Work.  She studies  recovery from all forms of violence and is a co-developer of Response-Based Practice.

Aboriginal Mental Health

  • March 7, 2018
  • Online