
Time: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Webinar Description:

Please join Natasha Caverley (2015-2017 CCPA National President) and Barbara MacCallum (CCPA Chief Executive Officer) as they co-present on who CCPA is, what it does for our members and the profession, and what you need to know to make an informed decision on applying for or nominating someone to become a Director on the 2017—2019 CCPA Board of Directors. We will also talk about current projects, CCPA activities, how decisions are made and what kind of time commitments are required of those who volunteer their time, energies, and talent on the CCPA National Board of Directors.

Presenters: Natasha Caverley (2015-2017 CCPA National President) and Barbara MacCallum (CCPA Chief Executive Officer)

Network of Counsellor Educators

  • 12 mars 2021
  • Online