
Title - Closing the Hope Gap: Managing eco-anxiety and career development on a changing planet

Presenter - Trevor Lehmann

Dates/Times - September 21st & October 5th from 12-1pm EDT

CECs - 2

Online via Zoom

Description - 

Concerned about the climate crisis? So are our clients! Explore how mental health and ecological change impact career decision-making and how we can respond effectively. Learn how to help clients motivated or resistant towards to ecological change through times of transition and towards a more equitable and socially just future. Leave with clear resources to connect clients with career development resources to help them find their place on a changing planet.

Presenter Bio - 

Trevor Lehmann (CCC) focuses on helping clients with life transitions including grief and loss, career change, and climate-crisis related emotions. His current work includes:

• Career Consultant (University of Manitoba)
• Co-chair of Advocacy & Community Engagement Committee (CERIC)
• Bereavement Counsellor (Palliative Manitoba)

Questions? zfraser@ccpa-accp.ca

2-PART SERIES - Closing the Hope Gap: Managing Eco-Anxiety and Career Development on a Changing Planet

  • mercredi le 21 septembre, 2022 de 12h00 à 13h00
    mercredi le 05 octobre, 2022 de 12h00 à 13h00