
Title - Yoga (The Wellness Series)

Presenter - Barb King, GoodLife instructor


Thursday, January 12, 2023 

12 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. EST 

Cost: $5

Online via Zoom

This live event will be recorded and available for 48 hours after the event (in case you cannot attend live).


  • Flexibility, mobility, and core strength, leaving you feeling calm and centered!


Barb has 31 years’ experience with GoodLife as a very knowledgeable, personable and inspiring leader. Her training includes CanFitPro and Les Mills. In addition to working at GoodLife, Barb also has hosted yoga and hiking-yoga retreats in Europe & Mexico, and has taught yoga & fitness classes at select resorts in the Caribbean. Barb loves the connection and social aspect of leading and encouraging participants to achieve goals – particularly the virtual experience with people who may have never participated through a club.

Questions? Email


Yoga (The Wellness Series)

  • Thursday Jan 12 2023, 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM