
L’ACCP se rend à l’hôtel Delta Beauséjour à Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick, pour son Congrès annuel 2019 du 13 au 16 mai.

Plus d'information: https://www.ccpa-accp.ca/fr/perfectionnement-professionel/annual-conference/.

Vous êtes membre de l'IAC? Contactez Andreea à memberservices@ccpa-accp.ca ou au 1.877.765.5565 poste 105 avec votre preuve d'adhésion pour obtenir le prix membre.

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Congrès Annuel 2019 de l'ACCP/IAC

  • 13 au 16 mai 2019
  • 750 Main St
    Delta Beauséjour Hotel
    Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick
    E1C 1E6


Informed Clinical Supervision In Practice: Integrating Foundational Concepts And Competencies To Optimize Process And Outcomes Continues… - Intermediate

13 mai 2019  09:00 - 16:30
Frais: $0.00
Place Disponible:37

This one-day workshop is designed to integrate foundational concepts and competencies in clinical supervision. It is based on the premise that informed clinical supervision emphasizes thoughtful intentionality and is designed to accommodate both a framework structure and responsive flexibility. Workshop participants will engage in reflective discussion and practice as they articulate a philosophy of change in counselling and supervision, demonstrate their preferred supervision models, anticipate ethical and legal issues, contemplate cultural and other diversity issues, and explore risk management practices designed to prevent or respond to supervisory challenges.

The intermediate level workshop presumes prior didactic training in clinical supervision and emphasizes experiential learning. The workshop builds on concepts presented in the introductory level workshop and fosters consolidation of prior learning via applied demonstration in a professional learning community context with counselling and psychotherapy colleagues.

Blythe Shepard, a University of Lethbridge counsellor educator, teaches the CCPA course in counselling supervision, and is co-editor of the textbook, Supervision of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Profession.

Jenny Rowett is an instructor at the University of New Brunswick. She is a clinical supervisor for students and for counselling professionals in her private practice.