
The event will include the Kairos blanket exercise, followed by a meal and a presentation from the President on current CCPA initiatives with the opportunity for a question and answer period.  The event will allow Saskatchewan members to come together and network as well as an opportunity to gain 3 CE credits.  

When: March 13th, 2020, 10am to 3:30pm
Where: Queen’s House Retreat, 601 Taylor St W, Saskatoon, SK S7M 0M8
Cost: $30 for members, $20 for students and $50 for non-members
CECs: 3

About the event: The Kairos Blanket Exercise is a unique, powerful, participatory history lesson which was developed in collaboration with Indigenous Elders,  Knowledge Keepers and educators.  It fosters truth, understanding, respect and reconciliation amongst Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, and it provides us with an experiential opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of our collective history. This is vitally important for us moving forward and in working towards the recommendations from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action (2015), as both counselling practitioners and as human beings.

There will be a feast after the Blanket Exercise which will create an opportunity meet one another, network, and build more connections within our province.  This will be offered in conjunction with the Presidential Roadshow and will provide an opportunity to meet CCPA’s national President Dr. Jen Rowett and Saskatchewan Director Nicola Sherwin-Roller.  This is an inclusive event, which holds the intention of listening to the voices of our valued members, while also seeking to enhance our outreach to those who may be interested in becoming new members.  Updates will also be provided on initiatives such as Regulation and Third Party Billing.

Registration closes on Friday March 3rd at 4 PM. Reserve your spot now!

Kairos Blanket Exercise and Presidential Road Show

  • Friday Mar 13 2020, 10:00 AM - 3:30 PM
  • Queens House Retreat
    601, Taylor Street West
    Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
    S7M 0M8