
In 2025, we’re turning 60! Over the last few decades, we’ve grown significantly through changing social, economic, and political environments. The COVID-19 pandemic has also taught us how we can leverage technological advancements to enhance the governance of the association, as well as the member experience.    

Associations like ours are moving towards governance models with smaller boards that maximize volunteer time and efficacy, while shifting administrative and operational duties to staff, who are then able to become more responsive in their focus on member service delivery.   

This session will be dedicated to members who self-identify as Indigenous and to members who are interested in learning more about the proposed wisdom council, and is scheduled for September 13 from 12 PM to 1:30 PM ET.  

Looking forward to seeing you there for this important discussion.   

Thank you, 

Carrie Foster, CCPA President 

Dr. Kim Hollihan, CCPA CEO 

Governance Renewal - Indigenous

  • Friday Sep 13 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM