
Therapeutic alliance ruptures often occur in clinical practice. If clinicians do not identify and repair alliance ruptures, they can harm the therapeutic relationship and patient mental health outcomes.

Join us for an FREE in-person event where Dr. Giorgio Tasca, will discuss concepts such as mentalization and attachment that underlie the development and repair of the alliance.

He will focus on practical ways in which therapists can identify and repair therapeutic alliance ruptures, and he will provide a running commentary on video examples illustrating alliance ruptures and their repairs.

December 11, 2024
5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m ET

Saint Paul University
223 Main Street
Ottawa, ON

Room G1130

About the Presenter

Giorgio Tasca, Ph.D. is a professor in the School of Psychology at the Unviersity of Ottawa. He is also a visiting professor at the University of Bergamo, Italy. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and received the Canadian Psychological Association Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology. Dr. Tasca is the Director of the Psychotherapy Practice Research Network (www.pprnet.ca).

This event will not be recorded and is eligible for 2 CEC's.

Questions? Contact NCR Chapter Workshop Registrar, Michelle & Leslie at ncr.ccpa.workshops@gmail.com

In-Person Event: NCR Chapter Event "Repairing Therapeutic Alliance Ruptures"

  • mercredi le 11 décembre, 2024 de 17h30 à 19h30
  • Saint Paul's University
    223 Main Street
    Ottawa, Ontario