
Title - C&P Month- Indigenous-led Drum Circle

Facilitated by - Andrea Currie

Date/Time - Friday, April 14, 2023 from 12 p.m to 12:45 p.m. Eastern

  • Online via Zoom
  • This event will be recorded and will not be interpreted into French


Following a tradition established by the Indigenous Circle Chapter at the CCPA National Conference in 2015, Andrea will host a Drum Circle in which everyone who attends is invited to share a song from their culture. We welcome songs from any of the Indigenous nations in the country we now call Canada, as well as songs from other cultures.Those who join the circle are not expected or required to share a song - just warmly encouraged to. The challenges of sharing songs online will be explained at the beginning of the event, and there will be a CCPA staff person on the call to help with tech support. Everyone is welcome!


C&P Month - Indigenous-led Drum Circle

  • Friday Apr 14 2023, 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM